Friday, June 18, 2010


the tittle said it well,
our last wednesday friendly futsal are up against one of our team benchmark.
it was Kicka F.c

what i admire about kicka F.c was their steady attack , accurate one two's passing and
their rarely shoot from distance, their shooting not too powerfull but their playing like a samba brazil beauty but efisien plus with some fast dribble's.

Fu never beat them but we will someday and somehow,what i dont understand with Fu is when we meet a great team ,we never managed to put our best player on the court,always missing someone like our match against kicka f.c,Fu are missing all 4 of our goal keeper maybe the timing was not right. rafik and sham still at their home town,irwan on vacation,pojie had to work while in attack we are missing dickson but the good news were wan and roy are back.

so the line up was

8-syafik friend(emergency goal keeper)

the was was in high tempo with most of Fu player shows their on form performance but only last for 40 minute.the score are back to back for quite sometime and twice Fu managed to lead the score.

i don't know why or how but Fu seems cannot hold their fighting spirit for long....and we lose the match 11 to 13,really if Fu can hold their nerves till the last end,we for sure are by passing our benchmark and move our target to beat mighty KL Pendidikan,

i wont complain about some of Fu player who are already tired but still insist that he still fit till the last minute,but
please...please and again please if you are injured or cannot run anymore give others player a chance to enter the court at least know your responsible for the team..if we want to set our level higher then Kicka F.c we need to beat the hell of them first, not acting like a pom-pom girl duhh.

that all for now..our next match will be against Milo X team,a team that been sponsored by Milo and mark their  appearance at last x-games in malaysia.the match will be held at Sport seven 9 pm ,
please come early as there will be a new player i want you all to meet.


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