Wednesday, July 28, 2010

nothing much

date : 28/7/10
location : Sport 7 wangsa maju.kuala lumpur.
time : 9 pm
versus : Kicka F.c
jersy : FU's - Black, Kicka F.c - Red

our line up

nothing much to write ..either Fu's are getting stronger or kicka lost their fighting spirit,
we keep them contained in their own  half and force them  to make mistake...our counter attack already had much improvement with and Roy are back in his form really please me even without syafik who is injured his ankle.

forget to mention we are open for a new center back ,i guess we need to replace wan because of his commitment to work and life.

the result win  16 to 12


  1. congrat utk fu squad...
    sorry pasal semalam xdapt join korang bermain...
    bukan xnak join tapi terpaksa lupakan coz da hal family...erm cadangan tu bagus agar fu squad mantap,but saya still berminat join fu squad. : )

  2. new player tu untuk back up syafik sementara dia injured. harap maklum

  3. dan utk replace ko utk jangka masa panjang sebab liga dah nak start so semua kena ngam bila liga start takde waktu tu baru nak test formation,aku risau bila liga start defend cuma tinggal roy ngan syafik je.

  4. erm liga dah nak start ek...saya ngat dah xde dah liga ritu...
    erm papepun all the best n kalu da game gtau r...insyaallah saya akan join....
